B. O'Brien
Writer & Director at BTKO Films.

Hello, my name is Brendan O'Brien. I'm am the head writer & director at BTKO Films. I started out – as many in this industry do – working as a Production Assistant on larger Hollywood films and TV series, as well as making my own short films. I also briefly attended the national film school in Poland and worked on a number of student film projects.
I've also had the opportunity to create a number of documentary projects for humanitarian efforts around the world. This includes an NGO project in Guatemala, Earth Water/UNWFP project in Tajikistan, and GWB projects in Kenya and Uganda. I'm still pursuing these types of documentary projects under my company Red Van Studio Inc.
For both writing and directing, I'm most attracted to thriller, science fiction, dramatic fiction, and some horror. But I'm also open to anything compelling and rich in story, so please reach out to me with your project and we can chat about it. You can view my latest reel blow: